3rd Annual
Taras Shevchenko
March 25 - 27, 2022 — Session 1 (in-person & virtual)
April 2 - 3, 2022 — Session 2 (virtual)
Ukrainian Studies Organization
Department of Slavic and East European Languages and Cultures
Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
Keynote Speakers

Dr. Myroslav Shkandrij
Dr. Myroslav Shkandrij is Professor Emeritus of Slavic Studies at the University of Manitoba. He wrote on the cultural and political history of Ukraine, the avant-garde, nationalism, Jewish-Ukrainian relations, Russian-Ukrainian relations and postcolonial theory, and has curated exhibitions at the Winnipeg Art Galleries, Hamilton Art Gallery, Ukrainian Museum in New York, and Oseredok (Ukrainian Cultural and Educational Centre) in Winnipeg. Myroslav Shkandrij authored a number of books including Revolutionary Ukraine, 1917-2017: Flashpoints in History and Contemporary Memory Wars (New York: Routledge, 2019);
Avant-garde Art in Ukraine: Contested Memory, 1910-1930 (Boston: Academic Studies Press, 2019); Jews in Ukrainian Literature: Representation and Identity (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2009); Russia and Ukraine: Literature and the Discourse of Empire From Napoleonic to Postcolonial Times (McGill-Queen's UP, 2001).

Dr. Tamara Hundorova
Dr. Tamara Hundorova is Chair of the Theory of Literature Department at the Institute of Literature, NAS of Ukraine, Prof. & Dean at the Ukrainian Free University and Associate Fellow of HURI. She is the author of The Post-Chornobyl Library: Ukrainian Postmodernism of the 1990s. Trans. by S.Yakovenko (2019); Транзитна культура. Симптоми постколоніальної травми (2013); Кітч і література: Травестії (2008); ПроЯвлення Слова. Дискурсія раннього українського модернізму (1997, second edition 2009); Франко і/не Каменяр (2006); Femina melancholica. Стать і культура в гендерній утопії Ольги Кобилянської (2002) as well as numerous publications on modernism, postmodernism, feminism, postcolonial studies and history of Ukrainian literature. Tamara Hundorova taught at Harvard University (USA), Toronto University (Canada), Greifswald University (Germany), Ukrainian Free University (Germany), Kyiv-Mohyla University (Ukraine), Kyiv National University (Ukraine). She is a former Fulbright Scholar (1998, 2009), Visiting scholar of Monash University (Australia, 1991) and a recipient of Yacyk Distinguished Fellowship (2009), Foreign visitors fellowship (Hokkaido University, 2004) and MUNK School of Global Affair fellowship (University of Toronto, 2017).
On February 24, 2022 the Russian Federation launched a full-scale attack on Ukraine. Civilians and civilian buildings have been targeted, which leads to a humanitarian catastrophe and disastrous destruction in Ukraine. This conference is dedicated to bringing awareness about Ukraine and Ukrainian Studies. Scholars from across the world will deliver talks on a variety of aspects that will help better understand Ukraine’s role and position in the global context. Stand with Ukraine!
About our conference
We invite scholars to share research and participate in discussions related to Ukrainian studies. We welcome submissions from fields that include but are not limited to: history, literature, memory studies, translation, linguistics, music, film, religious studies, political science, anthropology, sociology, gender studies, mass media. In addition to this broad range of topics, to celebrate the 30-year anniversary of Ukraine’s independence we welcome talks and presentations that touch upon the gains and challenges that Ukraine has witnessed since 1991: poetry and literature of independent Ukraine, memory politics, the Orange Revolution, the Revolution of Dignity, the Chornobyl consequences, Russian occupation of Crimea and Donbas, Ukrainian cinema, Ukrainian literature abroad, teaching Ukrainian literature in Ukraine and abroad, etc.